Warning: Long and Winding

Over the last month or so, I thought I was making some progress then I hit a wall. It’s apparently like a glass ceiling, but vertical. Stopped by an invisible force. In this case the invisible force was that I was going through the motions but I wasn’t pushing I was being pulled. That’s apparently what happens when you don’s have enough knowledge or interest, or both.

Working more with my Dad at this point, I realized I was out of my zone. It wasn’t him, he was super supportive, but I think Summer took over my mind.

We came up with an awesome name, VoteNow!, figured out an MVP, did a short business presentation, and made it to the ‘what’s next’ point. But I wasn’t there for it. So we stopped.

A few weeks later, my Dad sent me an article on ‘Sprint Weeks.’ A Sprint Week is when you move everything to the side and just really immerse yourself in one thing. The good news is, you still get to eat and see your friends but for a 4, 5, 6 hours a day you just focus on one thing for 5 days.

My Dad sent me a few links on elections, voting, etc and I reluctantly stayed with the political stuff.

More on this next time.


My Sprint Week


Hitting a Wall / Looking for Options.