What’s Our Goal? To create a 3rd political party that will amplify the voice of 61 M independent voters and change politics forever.
Independent voters represent the largest, non-political party in the United States. We have the individual voting power to move elections, but have limited brand equity and have achieved no network effect in our base. Every election is a new election. Basically, starting from scratch. Until now.
iVoteIndie is creating a virtual, 3rd party political movement that unites and empowers independent voters the same way Robinhood and wallstreetbets empowered smaller investors.
Part brand, part community, part virtual voting platform, iVoteIndie is branding and empowering independent voters like a real political party. Only online, and virtually. And without all the political red tape.
Using the same political process we have in the United States today, we will hold mock elections and polling with real candidates at the National, State, and Local levels and publish our results. While these results are virtual, they translate to real votes when our community casts real ballots election day.