White Paper: The Big Bang Theory Of Independent Politics

Hadley’s McCormack’s Big Bang Theory Of Independent Politics white paper discusses how the far left and far right not only created the independent voter movement but caused it to flourish.

English Spanish

Case Study: Modern Logos and Branding

There are some amazing brands out there, but I’ve picked one that’s relatively new, instantly recognizable, and now one of the most iconic logos of our modern times. It’s not McDonalds, Starbucks, Apple, or Coca Cola. It’s Bitcoin. It’s virtual. And perfect.

English Spanish

White Paper: Branding a Virtual Political Party

Using Bitcoin and the United States as examples, this white paper discusses branding a cryptocurrency and compares it directly to the branding of a country.


White Paper: A Modern Platform For Unrepresented Voters

Hadley McCormack’s original white paper on virtual political parties is recommended reading for anyone interested in the collective power of independent thinking.

English (Original) Spanish French Chinese

White Paper: The Case For A Virtual Election Server

Hadley McCormack’s white paper on virtual political parties proposes how a central election server can reduce election complexity and fraud by reducing the types of voting and voting machines.

English Spanish