Sprint Week 2: Whitepaper: ‘A Modern Platform For Unrepresented Voters’

This was a big deal. My Dad and I brainstormed the idea and he provided the context about the disruption of established markets as well as current market disruptors (Bitcoin, Robinhood, etc). I started by reading articles on these companies and then I read the 2007 Bitcoin white paper. I still don’t understand it completely but I figure out that if you can virtual gold you can have a virtual political party.

Note: I somewhat copied the format o the Bitcoin white paper. Credit: Satoshi Nakamoto


A purely virtual version of a third political party would allow people to vote in an election style format on real candidates as well as trending issues and events without officially challenging the established two-party system in the United States.

Verified, election style voting would provide part of the solution, but the main benefit of this approach would be to aggregate the value of individual voters into a collective political power that influences but does not rely on the existing voting process.

We propose a solution to sidestep, not replace, the existing two-party political system by using modern, available technologies to create a viable third political party that acts like an existing political party. This solution will ‘brand’ independent voters as Independent without a specific affiliation to being a Republican or Democrat in the voting process.

The solution we propose relies primarily on developing an Election Server, which houses all election data, and combining it with app-voting, targeted content, and independent party specific branding in a way that mimics the United States election process.


VoteNow! Becomes iVoteIndie


The United States is a Two Party System