White Paper: The Big Bang Theory of Independent Politics

Well, It is finished. This is my third white paper related to Independent voters and by far my favorite. Why? Because I was able to use the Big Bang Theory as a concept and apply it to politics. Abstract below and full white paper here.

Abstract: Historically, Republicans and Democrats focused on a few ideological issues, entrenched themselves in those beliefs, and people largely voted the party line. Over the last 20 years, the far left and the far right have become more vocal, more radicalized, and more divisive inside of their respective political parties.

When I initially conceptualized the idea of applying Georges Lemaître’s, Big Bang Theory (of the Universe) to the creation of independent politics, it was specific to Republicans and Democrats crashing into each other to create Independents. 

I now believe that Independent voters were created by far right Republicans crashing into mainstream Republicans and far left Democrats crashing into mainstream Democrats, within the walls of their own political party.  Let me explain.  Independents, and specifically those that lean one way or another, were created by intra-party explosions.  These explosions were (and are) caused by more radical political positions taken by the extremists in each party. 

Even though ‘Independent’ is not an official political party, it is now the largest group of voters in the United States.  I believe it is more representative of the United States than the traditional Republican and Democratic parties and, if organized, could have the largest voice in politics.


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