WTH is Wrong With U.S. Voting?

I’ve never even voted in an election outside of my high school to know there is something wrong with the voting process in the United States and probably a few other places that allow people to vote!

In person voting, absentee voting, mail in voting, and probably a few more types I’m sure I don’t know about. Without going through all of the detail of the reasons and rationales of each method, here is the biggest issue I had with the voting process. Inconsistency.

I don’t mean inconsistency in terms of in person vs mail in voting. I mean inconsistency in terms of the state to state way that voting is done, how results are processed and the time people have to vote. Regardless of how you vote, its all ways been Election Day, not election week or election month. Although we do use the term election year to refer to the chaos that leads up to Election Day.

In the 2020 election, some states allowed mail in votes, some states didn’t. Some states that allowed mail in voting required ballots be postmarked by election day, some states allowed almost a week. Your state, your rules. It’s been that way for a while.

I think States should be able to define the terms of ‘State’ elections. However, we shouldn’t have different State by State rules in terms of electing our President / Vice President and maybe even the House and Senate since they represent us all at the Federal level.


Lets Vote ‘Smart’


The 2020 Election (aka The 2020 Civil War)